Monday, March 29, 2004

Sunday Brunch and Daily Dirts

Sunday Brunch
Sunday, March 28
More This and That

1. Are you organized or disorganized?

~ Depends...if it's for work, church, or anything dealing with other people, I am SUPER organized... but when it comes to my personal space ie. bedroom, home office, car,etc. I am kinda unorganized. I am a packrat which I've mentioned before, so I save EVERYTHING...which can cause much clutter....

2. How well can you swim?

~ I am a great swimmer. I love it.

3. How often do you fill your gas tank?

~ too doggone much, that's how often!! *looking really mad and trying to find something soft to punch.* I fill up 2 maybe 3 times a week. No, I don't have a hoopty. That's just how much gas I burn in traffic and going to friends' houses and Bible Study and etc....

4. Where is your favorite vacation spot?

~ anywhere where there's a beach and plenty sunshine. :) I'm not picky.

5. What is you favorite animal to have as a pet?

~ a fish.

Time after time...
Monday, March 29, 2004

1. What time do you wake up?

~ 6am

2. What time do you take a nap?

~ unfortunately i have no time to take naps nowadays. I really miss the days when I could.

3. What time do you eat?

~ noon and whenever i get hungry again.

4. What time do you go to sleep?

~ my self-imposed bedtime is 10:15. It hardly ever happens where I actually get in the bed at that time, but I try to be as close to that as possible. I'm grouchy when I don't get my sleep.

The Future...
Saturday, March 27, 2004

1. What do you plan on becoming?

~a better friend
~ a wife
~a mother
~a PhD recipient
~a counselor

2. If you could marry anyone, who would it be?

~ hmmm.... I dunno. That's a tough one. I'll have to think about that one...

3. How many kids do you want?

~ hopefully more than one... but not so many that i could have my own basketball team. But honestly, however many God blesses me with...that's how many I'll be happy to have.

4. Do you think you'll be successful?


5. What event do you think may happen in the near-ish future because of everything that's happened?

~ um. um. i'm gonna get a really nice, loving, attractive boyfriend.
hey, it HAS to be my time. it just has to be.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Old friday Fives and Daily Dirt

There were no Friday Fives today, so I went to get an old one... here's one from September 28, 2001

1. Laying on your back and facing the ceiling, which side of the bed do you sleep on?

~ I lay on the right side of the bed.

2. Do you have to have covers (blankets and/or sheets) at all costs, no matter the weather?

~ YES!! It's a MUST. No covers, no sleep. I don't care if it is 100 degrees outside.... I will be butt naked with the fan and air on sleeping in ice... but um... I will have a sheet over me.

3. Sleep nekkid or no? Why?

~ Nekkid all the way. I love to be free... I hate clothes so anytime I don't have to wear them, I don't.

4. What's under your bed?

~ Many things... hmmm. lets see..

* a butcher knife
*my safe where all my extrememly personal items are kept.
*pictures and picture books
*my high school yearbook.
*a big roll under storage box with my many papers/folders/binders from high school and college.
* a hammer

5. If you have pets, do you let them sleep with you? Why or why not?
No I dont have a pet. If I did... I still wouldn't let him/her sleep w/me. I am not a big fan of sharing my bed with non-humans. :)

Have You ever....
Friday, March 26, 2004

1. Got so wasted you chucked up?

~ Nope. But, I was so gone one time that my tube top came down while I was dancing with a guy in the club and everyone had a full frontal view for a good 5 minutes.

2. Stuck your finger in someone else's belly button?

~ No, but I've had a few fingers in my belly button. Not to mention fruit cocktails and kool-aid. (lol)

3. Kissed somebody of the same sex?

~ yeah. I have actually. *hoping everyone will think I'm talking about my mom, cousin, or neice...* lol

4. Cooked a meal for anyone?

~ Oh yeah. I've cooked a few "special" meals for a few undeserving, but loved guys.

5. Fallen in love?

~ Oh yeah. Been there. Done that.

Thursday, March 25, 2004


You Are A Juicy Kisser!

About Your Kissing Style:

Your lips are totally kissable baby, and you know how to use them.

You are the perfect - with the right combo of lips and tongue.

It's important to flaunt it, so kiss early and often on dates!

What Your Kissing Style Says About You:

You're 100% hot, and you know it. You're all about being sexy, all the time.

You have no trouble scoring dates or kisses ...

Just trouble getting rid of jealous people trying to show you up!

You attract attention from every hot guy and girl... even before you show off your kissing skills.

Your Personal Kissing Matches and Mismatches:

Go out with another Juicy Kisser and you'll be the power couple of the party. Sure, you'll have a ton of
hot kisses, but only after everyone there has checked you guys out. Hook it up with a
Romantic Kisser and you may have found your soulmate.
Romantic Kissers will be attracted to your appeal, and you'll appreciate their loyalty.

Keep away from Carnal Kissers! They'll just try to play you for sex, and
ruin your reputation in a heartbeat. And Freaky Kissers are way too wild and
rough for your style. You prefer pleasure to pain, thank you very much.

How Do *You* Kiss?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Unconscious Mutterings and Daily Dirt

March 21, 2004

Week 59
I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Wife:: Me... marriage..Husband
  2. Criminal:: Justice, Law
  3. Campaign:: Political
  4. Infection:: malaria, nasty
  5. Portland:: Trailblazers
  6. NASCAR:: race cars
  7. IMAX:: Theatre, Movies
  8. Martian:: green, Tawny from Even Stevens
  9. Nike:: Just do it. the "check" symbol
  10. Trial:: and Error, O.J.

Okay hmmm shall we begin.

I thought of "me" as a wife b/c I guess that is something I'm looking forward to being one of these days. "marriage" and "husband" are pretty much typical answers so no explanation needed.

I guess um, the second thing that popped into my head was an episode of Even Stevens called "Movie Madness" where Tawny dresses up like this crazy looking alien. Yeah...i'm a little ashamed to admit that I still watch the disney channel... but hey, what can I say. I guess I'm just a kid at heart!


Who Can...?
Thursday, March 25, 2004

1. ...Make You Laugh?


* Jamie Foxx

* Arnez J

* Sinbad ... even though he's old


* DN. He could always make me laugh. He was so freakin funny. He's in Afganistan right now and has been so for a year. My prayers are with you DN.

* RH. Though we don't talk much anymore, anytime we reunite...I better get ready to have hurting abs.

* AM... He has a real unique sense of humor. One that requires getting used to. But once you "get" him, you will never stop laughing.

2. ...Make You Cry?

~ My parents.

3. ...Make You Mad?

~ RP. I think about 70% of the time I've ever been mad, it was because of him.

4. ...Make You Sad?

~ same as above.

5. ...Cheer You Up When You're Feeling Down?

~ My family and friends.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Daily Dirt

In your hood…
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

1. What's your neighbourhood like in the morning?

~ very quiet. there are a couple of half asleep teenagers walking down our street to go their bus stop, but usually there's no other movement when I leave for work.

2. What is it like around midnight?

~ about the same. except the once half-asleep teens moping to the bus stop, are now fully awake and enthusiastically standing on the dark corners probably doing things they shouldn't do.

3. Do you know a lot of people from your neighbourhood?

~ I used to. I grew up there... but moved out for during and after college. I just moved back and almost everyone I knew is pretty much gone.

4. How safe is your neighbourhood?

~ I don't think it's bad, but it could be more safe. Everyone's neighborhood could be more safe.

5. Get outta there or lovin' it?

~ get outta there. I can't wait to be back on my own again.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Many Daily Dirts

Cry me a river...
Tuesday, March 23, 2004

1. When was the last time you cried?

~ yesterday evening. i went to my boss's wife's memorial service. It was very sad. Though I didn't know her, I felt like I did by the time everyone shared their stories, memories and letters she wrote them earlier in life. I hate to see people in pain. I could feel their pain and I cried she was apart of my family. Moreso for the family than for know. I can see their grief which grieves me. Sad situation. I pray that God consoles them in their time of Bereavement.

2. Who made you cry?

~ in life? um... hmmm. as much as i hate to admit it... most of my crying sprees have been over menfolk. (oooh i hate to admit that) besides them, my parents have made me cry (especially when i did something wrong as a child and they told me how dissappointed they were in me) ahhh...i don't consider myself a crybaby...but i must admit, i've done a lot of crying in my day. I'm very sensitive, so it doesn't take much. lol

3. What makes you cry just thinking about it?

~ the Love, Mercy, Grace and Compassion God shows and has for all of us even though we hardly ever thank Him, or praise Him or even acknowledge Him.
~ death, pain, ppl who are suffering, and anything like that...
~ being alone forever

4. Have you ever made someone else cry?

~ ah yes. we all have whether we knew it or not.

5. Do you cry during sad movies?

~ oh yeah. like a wet, hungry, sleepy baby.

Go to hell…
Monday, March 22, 2004

1. Have you sinned?

~ Yes. Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God"

2. Have you hurt anyone?

~ I've said hurtful words to and about people in my lifetime. I've betrayed someone...I've cheated on someone. I didn't love someone that really loved me. I've hit someone. I've offended someone. I've made someone cry. So...yes, I've hurt someone. Whoever you are... if I've ever hurt you, I am sorry.

3. Have you destroyed other people's lives?

~ I don't know. I know some that tried to destroy mine though. Some of them who are fully aware of it...and some that I honestly don't think knew how much they hurt me.

4. Are you religious?

~ Relationship oriented with the Living God...YES!! I think there is a huge difference between religion and relationship.

5. Do you owe anyone any apology?

~ not that i know of... but i can never be too sure. I have no problem saying I'm sorry if I know that I was wrong. I just don't like the "I told you so" spirit if for some reason I am wrong and I humble myself to apologize. The least we can both do is be adults about it and squash it.

Last night…
Sunday, March 21, 2004

1. Where were you?

i went to see Dawn of the Dead with one of my friends.

2. What time did you sleep?

~ went to sleep around 1:30 - 2am. Woke up at 6.

3. What were you thinking about?

~ the fact that it's weird that AM and I hang out and talk MORE now that we're friends than we did when we were dating.

4. Did you brush your teeth?

~ of course. :)

5. Did you visit Daily Dirt?

~ no. computers are "off limits" to me on weekends! i refuse to be online during my days of rest!!!

Friday, March 19, 2004

Friday Five and Daily Dirt

Mar 19, 2004
Answer the following five questions in your weblog or journal.

If you...

1. ...owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

~ I would serve soul food. I think the Frank Ski Morning show put that into my head. (lol) Yesterday, they were talking about the fact that atlanta really doesn't have a "standard"/ or set place that everyone goes to that sells soul food. Where in many other states... if a visitor ask a native where's the best soul food restaurant, they will all give you one place. However, in Atlanta (according to Frank Ski) there is no such place. So that is my reasoning for wanting to open up a Soul Food Restaurant. And I would like it to be kinda upscale... I mean, Hodges on Candler Rd. and Erma D's off of Mitchell Street have nice food...but they are really hole in the wall places.

2. ...owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?

~ I'd sell gas. Man, the way these prices are sky rocketting.... I'd do just fine.

3. ...wrote a book, what genre would it be?

~ Religion... or Psychology. Maybe both... hmmmmm.

4. ...ran a school, what would you teach?

~ I'd teach the art of procrastination. (lol) okay maybe not... i'd probably teach about music.

5. ...recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?

~ Contemporary/Neo Soul Gospel and/or Inspirational music....
~ if I could do a second one....jazz and classical....

Time check…
Friday, March 19, 2004

What will you likely be doing around…
1. 9am:

~ um probably going down to get some cereal, a muffin, or nutrigrain bar from our cafe.

2. 12noon:
~ lunch baby!! my favorite time!!! :) Either I get to eat, sleep, or run my mouth on the phone at this time.

3. 3pm:
~ probably chatting with JC. He usually gets online around 2ish... yesterday he was a little "occupied", so i dunno if he'll be busy again today or not. If he and I aren't chatting...I'll probably just surf the web or pretend to work. It's friday!! I spent my entire morning doing very productive things... as far as I'm is over!!

4. 9pm:
~ I'll be at our monthly "Spiritual Growth Session." It starts at 7, but we hardly ever leave before 11pm. Last time we stayed until 2:30am. Mostly b/c we're all friends and since we have it at different ppl's houses and it is a really informal session, we end up talking and chillin even after the speaker has finished. Plus there's that also prolongs the amt. of time we spend there. Tonight, we're gonna be talking about God and our Finances. It should be a very interesting session.

5. 12midnight:

~either i'll still be at my S.G.S. or I will be on my way home from it. I am SUPER sleepy and I can't wait til I can pull the covers over myself and go to sleep. Ahhhh....a dream come true. So, if by chance we leave our S.G.S. early, I will be heading straight home and straight to bed!!

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings...

I'm kinda busy today... so i figured I'd only do UM's today. Here goes...

March 14, 2004

Week 58
I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Old Navy:: Draw string pants.... *darn those commercials...their kinda catchy*
  2. Out:: In, House
  3. Indecent:: Proposal
  4. UPN:: 69
  5. Pupil:: Student
  6. Toothpaste:: Aquafresh, Toothbrush
  7. 1999:: Prince... *singing party like it's nineteen niinneetty nine!*
  8. Passion:: of the Christ, Mark
  9. Social security:: number
  10. Cliff:: Notes, Huxtable

Reasoning behind the Mutterings....

~ Of course you remember the old navy "draw string pants" commercial....right?? whew...good. I thought i was by myself for a minute.

~ "In".. which is the opposite.
~ "outhouse" the place my grandparents swore they had to walk 3 miles in the snow to get to just to use the bathroom. Thank God for indoor plumbing!!

~ The movie...of course.

~ The stupid "UPN- 69" song is in my head.

~a "pupil" is a student. sorry...nothing original there...

~ I use "aquafresh" now. mmmm. it's pretty tasty. I used to use mentadent, but it got a little too costly for my pockets.
~ You can't think of toothpaste with out thinking of a "toothbrush"...

~ We all know and love "Prince" and his "party like it's 1999" jam.

~ I saw the "Passion" of the Christ not long it is still in my head. And probably will be for a very long time.
~ a "passion" mark.... okay, i dunno why i thought of that. i haven't given one...or received one since what... high school.

~ what else could i think of besides "number" , check, the elderly, card and the fact that it'll probably be obselete by the time we're old enough to receive it....

~ Cliff "Notes"... don't act... we all know what they are...
~ What can I say... I'm a Cosby show fan!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Wednesday Whatevers and Daily Dirt

Wednesday Whatevers

1. What do you do to enhance your looks?

~ uh...i wear lip gloss to make my lips shiny. Sometimes eye liner to draw attn. to my eye color...and um... i wear a pretty but sturdy bra so my breast won't sag... (lol) um that's about it. everything else... it's a take it or leave it situation.

2. Why do people rape other people?

~ this is a REALLY touchy subject for me. I am not sure WHY ppl feel the need to rape other people. I have some theories but nothing is fact....

* control issue - many ppl believe that rape is a crime usually committed so the perpetrator can feel in control. Some ppl get off on having someone completely helpless and in fear of them.

* sexual frustration- i believe that not all rapes are the premeditated and it could be a case where the rapist was actually having cosented sexual contact with an individual and thought that they were gonna receive the "full benefits" but then the indivdual wanted to stop...but the violater didn't want to...and didn't. I don't think that is a case of control...moreso than frustration.

3. If clothing were optional would you still wear it?

nope. i hate clothing. the first thing i do when i get home is kick off my shoes, and strip on the way to my caller id. (lol) by the time I get to my bedroom, i am pretty much free. (of course i make sure my blinds are closed first (lol) )

Long time ago…
Wednesday, March 17, 2004

1. were you popular or an outcast?

~ neither. i was well known, but not popular. My friends were sort of "outcasts" but no one considered me one....probably b/c i was on dance team (which most of the popular girls were on) and b/c my boyfriend was on the football and baseball team....and he was popular. I was somewhere in the middle.

2. have you had any operation/surgery done?

~ yeah. i've had surgery/operations before. I had tubes in my ears when I was younger. i got them every year it seems like.. for about 4 years.
the only thing I remember about that was... 1. waking up before the sun (which was a BIG deal at 7) ....2. having that funny smelling "knock you out" gas put over my nose and mouth...and 3. waking up after surgery with a sore throat. (i'm still wondering what that's about.)

3. have you had a very embarassing experience?

um yeah... refer to some of my earlier posts about falling off the stage at my band concert. um.. falling in the toilet at a significant others house. um...falling down while trying to cross the street hurriedly in the rain in the middle of a busy intersection during rush hour.... um, getting in the wrong car b/c i was too busy looking cute and looking at a cute guy coming out of the package store without my contacts or glasses on. ...and hmm which one should i chose to close out this "could be a novel" answer... ahhh... surprising my boyfriend at the time by having his "chocolate birthday cake" (me of course..) waiting for him in whipped cream and his favorite heels in his bedroom... only to be found by his best friend/roomate who was supposed to be out of town that weekend. Needless to say...he never looked at me the same again (lol)

4. have you lost anyone precious?

~ yep. to death, to another woman, to the war, to another state, to a man, to drugs, and to jail

5. would you have known you're going to be what you are right now?

~ yes and no.

I knew I'd be..
* a good friend
* a respectful daughter
* a really cheerful person
* a loner (to an extent)
* happy with my career.

I didn't know i'd be...
*the one everyone runs to with their problems
*the over-protected daughter who has never aged past 13 yr old in her parents eyes.
*working a 8:30 to 5

Monday, March 15, 2004

Sunday Brunch and Daily Dirts...

Sunday Brunch
What's in a name

1. Do you like your name?

~ Yes I do. Sometimes ppl make fun of it because they think I say "Consuelo" when i first tell them my name (and even that isn't really all that funny)... but after they realize that it isn't my name...then they shut up and feel stupid. (lol) For the most part, I get many compliments on it. And honestly, I can't see me being named anything else. (lol)

2. Are you named after anyone?

~ nope.

3. Do you have a nickname? If yes, what is it?

~ Do I. I have plenty of nicknames...

*sway or swayla
*brese (long story)
*patrick swayzee
*doll baby and

4. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

~ i dunno. my mom said she almost named me Brittney and I am soooo glad she didn't b/c nothing about me says "Brittney"! Here are some names that I sort of like though....

* Jade
* Khilana(kih-lun-ah)
* Khaili (ky-lee)

5. What is the most interesting name of your friends or someone you know?

~ha... do you really wanna know? okay here goes...

* Gaghetta (ja-geat-ta)
* Celestina (sa-less-tina)
* LaDreika (la-dree-ka)
* Okrae (okra)
*Greedy (that is his REAL name... on his birth certificate and all)

Daily DirtWonderwall
Monday, March 15, 2004

1. What is it about the opposite sex you wished you knew?

~ everything. i mean, what are they really looking for? why they handle situations the way they do. what do they really mean when say certain things and do certain things.. i mean it is so much to understand and try to figure out... i get a headache just thinking about it.

2. What phenomenon on earth do you wish you have answers to?

~ why we only use part of our brain... and what does the non-used part do...think...reveal??

3. If you can read people's mind, who's would you wanna read?

~just one? man. hmmm. let me think.... ummm..... i would say...... some one whose really wealthy, innovative, and whose willing to take risks... that way, i can bet him/her for his/her fortunes... and/or i can steal their ideas before they ever put it on paper.

~ i'd also wanna read my future husband's mind. might not like everything i find out...but in theory it sounds fun.

4. Name all the 7 Wonders of the World?

um... i dunno. can't remember them all. i was trying to find this email i received earlier this year, it was really good and i would have loved to share it with ya'll... but their answers were...

*to feel
*to see
*to taste
*to hear
*to smell
*to touch
*to love

5. What should be the 8th Wonder of the World in your opinion?

~ Michael Jackson. (lol)

The apprentice...
Saturday, March 13, 2004

1. Who was your favorite (can include those kicked off)?

~ Troy. I love Troy. I think he's the best "all around" person there. He's charming and witty, loveable yet will cut you if you cross him. Sharp and confident. He does something fantastic in just about every episode. AND....He's funny! He can adapt to situations.... I like that. GO TROY!!!

2. Who do you think is going to win?

~ Troy. Yeah Troy!!

3. Who do you want to get kicked off next?

~ um...I'm actually not to fond of Kwame... so I think he should go next.

4. Would you ever go on the show?

~ ah... yeah. I doubt i'd ever be picked though. They all have that "TV" look. Thin and tall. Well maybe not really tall, but definitely taller than I.

5. How do you feel about donalds hair?

~hahahaha. I'm just glad to know that I'm NOT the only one wondering about that ish. I mean, all that money and he can't get a better piece?

Friday, March 12, 2004

Friday Five

1. What was the last song you heard?

~ willingly...(meaning from my own radio) I do Worship - John P Kee
~unwillingly...(meaning what i hear right now from my co-workers radio) Rosa Parks- Outcast ( i actually really love it's all good to me.)

2. What were the last two movies you saw?

~ The Passion of Christ
~ Barbershop II

3. What were the last three things you purchased?

~ um... frosted flakes and milk (for breakfast this morning)
~ gum and lip gloss from walmart (they count as one.)
~ gas

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?

~ give my cousin her b-day present
~ sleep
~ go to church
~ clean my house

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?

~ DG and AW at the same time on 3 way about 20 min. ago. We do that from time to time. They're my best friends. Though I see them every week at church, and many fridays/saturdays for our "ladies night" outings... we like to call each other during the middle of the day and chat like old ladies while at work. Of course I am always the first one to get off b/c after 45 min. of work starts piling up. Anywho...I'm counting them as 1 since we were all on the phone together.

~ My co-worker, AM. I said hello and where's everyone else? Apparently today was national "take-off" day and I didn't get the memo. So it's just she and I in the ole office.

~ My mom this morning. I always call her and tell her that I made it to work safely. She is an overly cautious worrier. So I always try to ease her mind.

~ AM last night. Hadn't talked to him in a while. Guess he called to say he got a new number and wanted me to have it. We talked about stuff for a while. Mainly his rededication to God...and his dog Taz. Either way, it was a pleasant convo.

~My dad last night. I asked him could he me bring some food!!! lol I was hungry. Thanks Dad!! You're the best!!! :)

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings and Daily Dirt

Week 57

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Dogma:: dumb movie
  2. Spirit:: Holy
  3. Voodoo:: witch craft
  4. Demon:: devils
  5. Digital:: watch
  6. Ceremony:: coming out
  7. Research:: behavioral
  8. Career:: psychology
  9. Penis:: large (hahahaha...)
  10. Film:: Movies

~okay...hmmmm where should i start.... Did anyone actually see the movie "Dogma"? I hated that movie!! I found it very offensive. Anywho... that's what I thought of. Um... when i thought of ceremony, i thought about my "coming out" ceremony which is the end result of Charm School classes. Our ceremony was like a pagent/wedding. There was two parts, the first part (pagent) we had to wear something pretty and show off what we learned in school...then we had a talent showcase. The second part (wedding) we each came down the isle to music and in a white gown escorted by our dads, while the announcer (pagent-like) told facts about us to the onlookers. We all got rings placed on our "ring finger" by our dads until our future husbands took them off only to replace it with a wedding ring. It was great and I have pictures of that on my desk as we why I thought of "coming out". And um....of course I work in the "Behavioral Research" Dept...... and um....I have no idea why i thought of the word large when it came to penis. I dunno. I'll let you all comment on that one...any thoughts??

Thursday, March 11, 2004

1. Do you trust people too easily?

~ depends on what i'm trusting them with...
* my
*my heart...yes

2. Do you believe that no one can be fully trusted?

~um no... call me naive... but i believe that there are ppl in this world that could actually be completely trusted. i can't think of anyone right now...but um...i'm sure there are some. lol

3. How many people in your life do you trust right now?

~ like i said, there are different levels of trust. trusting someone to catch you when you fall, is different from trusting someone to keep your 2mil. dollars safe...which is different than trusting someone to take care of your spouse when you're gone and not sleep with them...which is different than trusting someone to keep secrets... you get what i'm saying? there are different trust issues... so i trust a lot of ppl... just with different things/aspects of my life.

4. Is trust really important to you?

~ Yes it is. The foundation for any relationship should be trust. Without it... how can you build anything?

5. Is it hard or easy to lose your trust?

~ i trust easily... in some things... but once you have my trust...keep it. b/c it only takes once and i don't trust you anymore...and it DOES take effort to gain my trust back. As easily as it is to gain, it is to lose.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Daily Dirt!!

Right here, right now…
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

1. How much is in your wallet right now?

~ ahhh. i actually didn't carry my "wallet" today. I haven't for a week now. I have this really tiny (but highly fashionable and oh so cute) purse in which i put my drivers liscense and bank card in. So my money is all stuffed in the little side zipper of my purse. Anyway...(sorry for rambling)... I have about $75 in there right now.

2. Are wearing any undergarment at all right now?

~ yes...and i must say, that is rare. (lol) I am not a big fan of undergarments...and the hotter it gets...the less I wear them. I really don't try to be manish or nasty or anything... but honestly... they are so....constraining.. especially the "upper undergarments" (hmmm kind oxymoron-ish) ... I always wear undergarments to work and church, but you can catch me free as a kite on weekends and after hours. (lol)

3. Have you washed your hands?

~ what do you mean? like EVER? or before lunch? or when I left the restroom? what?
Well my answer is any of those. I haven't washed them in the last 3 minutes though... just in case THAT"s what you meant?? *looking really confused...*

4. Who are you talking to?

~ no one. i need total concentration when I blog. (lol) Okay, it may not be that deep, but since it's lunchtime for me and I brought some leftover chinese broccoli and rice..then um. I am too busy stuffing my mouth and typing to be talking to anyone.

5. What are you thinking of right now?

~ um.. about a million thoughts just ran through my head. But I guess I can share a few...

* man, i should have warmed up this broccoli a little more.
* i sure hope this sauce doesn't splatter on my nice white shirt. I don't wanna have to change before Bible Study tonight.
* i wonder if BJ is gonna be at Bible Study tonight?
*is my toothbrush 6 feet away from my toilet? (okay...i know that sounds crazy, but my co-workers were reading aloud this email about "did you know" and they said that you should keep your toothbrush at least 6ft away from the toilet to avoid airborne particles present from flushing.)
*What am I gonna do for my cousin since her b-day is today?

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Daily Dirt

I missed so many of these, i decided to make it a different post!

The Voice Within
Monday, March 08, 2004

1. If you could have the voice of any singer, who would it be?

~ Right now, i think it would be Beyonce. Interestingly enough.. i think she has a BEATUIFUL voice. It's always crystal clear, she can sing fast or slow. Her runs are incredible and always on point... I have never heard her miss a note within her runs and that is super hard. She sounds good from afar and when you listen to her in headphones. She sounds great live and on CD. She sounds great singing in a group and solo, singing pop, r&b, and things like the national anthem, and the song on the pepsi commercial...(in which the tune is from the opera "Carmen"...or was it "La Boheme"? Cant remember... anywho...) Beyonce, has an incredible range and her wind control, cresendo's and overall voice tone is very hard to duplicate. I think she has one of the best voices. She's up there with the best!!


Um... i was thinking about voices today and it totally slipped my mind that there is yet another singer that I think has a MARVOLOUS voice... and that is none other than... INDIA ARIE. Her voice is so rich and full and soothing. And what makes her incomparable is that her lyrics and personality is just as Beautiful and stunning as her voice. Her work is truly the epitome of good music. I would love to have her voice anyday. Now THAT is some talent.

2. Which singer do you think has the most annoying voice?

~ sorry folks... but it's between Britney Spears and Keith Sweat. They are both so.... nasal. Ugh. They're songs are great. I won't lie...i can definitely get down with some Keith sweat songs (lol). But that doesn't change the fact that Keith can't sing!!

3. Can you sing?

~ Yes. I actually can sing. I actually do sing. I actually LOVE singing. I have done a lot of backgrounds for various artists...however if I ever decide to do my own project...I will definitely only be singing gospel.

4. If you can/could sing, would you want to become a famous singer?
~ Rich...yes.
I'm not sure how that would work out... but that is what I would like. I am not one that craves the spotlight... or wants EVERYONE in ALL of my business. However, I would love for ppl to appreciate my music...and I would DEFINITELY love to get paid for doing something I love and already do.

5. What would you do if you woke up one day and your voice was gone?

~ Cry.

So fresh and so clean
Sunday, March 07, 2004

1. Do you shower daily/ weekly?

~ daily. and i suggest everyone to do the same. the world would be a much better place!! (lol)

2. How many times?

~ winter: once... and a wash up as well. (a p.t.a. job)
~summer: usually 2 times.
~ workout days.. : add an extra shower for each time I work out that day.

3. What shampoo do you use?

~ Mizani. Good stuff. I used to use cream of nature and pantene pro-v, but mizani works wonders for my hair.

4. How much does it cost?

~ hahaha.. 10 freakin dollars for the shampoo... 10 freakin dollars for the conditioner and 5 for the leave in conditioner. And it's not like it's in a big container either.

5. Are bubble baths better than a quick shower?

~ Yes, when you have time for them.

Who's the next American Idol?
Friday, March 05, 2004

Well i'm sure you all have watched all the shows, so answer this!
1. Which season is your fave (Season 1, 2 or 3)?

actually season 1 was my favorite.. it was new, different, and Simon's insults were so shocking and unexpected.

2. Were your predictions true every week for the finalist selection?

ah no... i was shocked in many cases by who was selected and who wasn't. *reflecting on Tamyra Gray...* There were some shockers. And some of the ppl i don't think should have ever made it to the final round. *won't mention names.*

3. Which 4 contestants you think will be called back for the "wildcard"?

~honestly... i don't know all the names yet... so um. I can't answer that question.

4. Who will win American Idol for Season 3?

~ either fantasia or that other girl... forget it. told ya i don't remember names too well.

5. Should they change the panel of judges?

Judges?? JUDGES??? ... there's no judges! 11 There is randy...who sucks...never really gives good advice... with his, "i wasn't feelin that dog" or "you definitely did your thang dog... you made the song your own." Uggghhh! I'm tired of hearing that.
Then Paula...who well....who can't really sing herself... (that was mean.... sorry) ...but I won't take it back b/c it's true...(but i should have kept it to myself)...but anyway... she never says anything too helpful or even opinionated..she comments on looks, clothes and sweetie, this is a "singing competition" as simon says. And speaking of simon, this guy just takes judging to another level... He's no judge, he's like...the ultimate criticizer. And while i agree that you should always tell the truth.... theres a difference between telling the truth and being a jerk. simon... learn the difference.

ME...the busy bee...

You wouldn't believe how hectic my week has been. Friday, i lost ALL of the work I had done that week! So I spent my free time during the weekend catching up on lost work! :( I was NOT happy. Then I've been in our Annual Advisory Meeting the last two days. This is the first time I was able to escape...and I am ready for my break. I'll try to catch up on ques. as much as I can.

Mar 05, 2004

Answer the following five questions in your weblog or journal. Please leave a comment here with a link to your post or just leave your answers in the comments section!

What was...

1. ...your first grade teacher's name?

~ Mrs. Huff ...hmm i wonder if she's still alive? Mrs. Huff used to pull my mother to the side sometimes and tell her to stop dressing me up so nicely because it's school and I'm gonna get dirty. WTF? Like my mom can't wash my clothes if need be. My mother went off on her. I still remember it... I mean, how are you gonna tell someone how to dress their child. And it wasn't like I was rolling around in dirt all day. I hardly ever got really dirty. Hmph. Women.

2. ...your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
~ I don't get up early enough to watch cartoons anymore... and if I am up early enough to watch them, I can't because I'm up so that I can go somewhere.

3. ...the name of your very first best friend?

~ I'd rather not say... i have too many to just name only one...

4. ...your favorite breakfast cereal?

~ cookie crunch... no wait. Honey bunches of oats.... no wait.... Honey Combs....
um... no... it's Sugar Smacks... no Raisin Bran...ahhh.. frosted flakes....oh's frosted MINI wheats...
um... nah...maybe Rice Crispies... oohhh i forgot about Capt'n Crunch.... ah forget it. I can't decide!!

5. ...your favorite thing to do after school?

~ in elementary school: go home so that i could eat, play, and watch cartoons

~ in high school: go to band practice/dance team practice/choir practice so that I can see my friends and my boyfriend without teachers, class, and work.

~ in college: party with friends, sleep, or go out with my then fiance.

Sunday, March 7
I Don't Wanna Grow Up

1. Do you watch cartoons?

~ ah.. yeah i do actually. I am almost ashamed to say this to the public but um... *whispering and looking around cautiously* I actually watch the disney channel when i get home. I watch um...the proud family and Kim Possible. I think that's the only cartoons on that station that I watch. I also could be guiltily accused of watching Sabrina animated, Johnny Bravo, Pokemon ( a few years back), and Dexter's Laboratory from time to time.

But nothing beats the old cartoons that used to come on when I was a little girl. Anybody remember Thundercats? *singing...thunder...thunder...thunder...thundercats.... thundercats hoooooooooooo!!!* I think that was one of my favorites.
Then um... Alvin and the Chipmunks, Ducktales, Darkwing Duck, Anamaniacs, Smurfs, Carebears, Transformers and GI Joe (yeah, i used to watch it...darn that cousin of mine), Goof Troop, and soooooo many more.

2. Ever buy a box of cereal (for yourself) just for the prize inside?

~ of course... I'm still guilty of that every once in a while.... especially if it's a really good prize!!

3. Do you ever go to the playground to play on the swings, slide or teeter totter?

~ yeah!!! man, to this day i still run to a swingset if i see one. I don't do see saw's *teeter totter* though... just never cared for them. And was it just me that remember those metal slides that burned the freakin SKIN off your leg when you tried to slide down them in some shorts on a hot day!?!?!?!

4. Do you occasionally pout, throw tantrums or cry to get what you want?

~ if you ask my mom...she'll say YES!!!! She thinks I'm a pouter... she didn't go for that tantrum stuff though. She'd beat me if I looked like i was gonna act ugly. i can't recall ever crying to get something i wanted either. I cry when i'm sad or hurt, or really, really happy... but other than that...crying is a no go.

5. How long has it been since you've done childlike (for example: ride a bike, play marbles, jump rope, build a sand castle)?

~ hmmm.. okay, maybe i haven't grown up or something. I mean, i still play M.A.S.H. (lol) Can you believe that? And I still like to jump around and act silly, play on swings, stick my tounge out at my friends, sit indian style, and color.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings and Daily Dirt

February 29, 2004

Week 56

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Hollywood:: stars...glitz and glamour
  2. Censor:: ship
  3. Nascar:: race, cars
  4. Lube:: Jiffy
  5. Mortgage:: debt, house
  6. Freedom:: let freedom ring, Morgan Freeman
  7. Champion:: trophy
  8. Reality TV:: taking over
  9. New York:: New York
  10. Tease:: Touch me, Tease me

okay i think most are self explanatory...except for the morgan freeman and freedom one... honestly i have no idea why he came to mind. but i saw him clearly. hmm. hey...maybe i was thinking about that, um... shawshank redemption. hmmm.. could be... okay we'll go with that.
and um...touch me, tease me... that was the 1st part of the hook from an old r&b/rap song. *i wanna say biggie was on there...*

Surfing alone…
Thursday, March 04, 2004

1. What do you usually do online?

~ um... mostly blog, do research, or chat with my friends.

2. Do you always write out everything in your heart on your blog?

~ nope... if i did i would never have time for anything else. There's a lot in my heart...and in my mind. But i DO have two
blogs..and the other one reflects more of my "heart" than this one.

3. What kind of games do you play online?

~ i used to play literati... but i don't play online games anymore since my days are filled with blogging, chatting, and working.

4. Do you have more real friends or online buddies?

~ real friends.. but it's starting to get close. I predict that by the end of the year, the tables will have turned. lol

5. How many mails do you receive in your mailbox daily?

~ Hmmm. interesting question. It depends on which account you're referring to. Um... hmmm lets see...
* my work mailbox receives about 10-15 emails a day...of which about 5 are personal. (now when my friend OS and I used to chat all day via email...of course it was more like 40-50 emails a day. whew thank God for IM's)
* my blackplanet mailbox usually receives the most... well the "notes" anyways. Hmmm as of today, i have 832 notes in my box...and they are erased every 30 days....* ..take 832...* Okay, I get about 28 notes a day in that box.
*and my juno account... hmm. I say about 4 a day.

so what..that totals up to.... 42-47 emails a day... (and 72-82 when I chat with OS)...

No wonder I don't get any work done around here. (lol)

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Wednesday's Whatevers and Daily Dirt

Wednesday Whatevers

1. Is there a such thing as stupid questions?

~ Okay, I PROMISE I was thinking about this very thing this morning! I almost wrote about it in my other blog!! I totally believe that there IS such a thing as a stupid question. If there is a such thing as a stupid person and a stupid answer, then why shouldn't a stupid question exist?

* any question that starts with "Um, this may sound like a stupid question but, " usually IS a stupid question.
* any question asked right after the answer is given is a stupid question.
* any question asked by someone who ALWAYS say stupid things, is a stupid question.
* any question that returns a "blank" or "WTF?" look by the person being asked, is probably a stupid question.

2. Should teen magazines maintain a neutral view on most subjects?

With all the other forms of mass media being so incredibly biased and persuasive, I doubt teen magazines would make a significant difference by staying neutral on various subjects. {ie. With television shows about sex, music lyrics about sex, movies advocating sex, and posters with sexual innuendo's, i think it would be safe to say that whether or not "Seventeen" places a sexual ad somewhere in the book is kind of insignificant}

3. Who should become President in 2004?

~ Well...I honestly have to do more homework on this ... but right now. Kerry has my vote.

Daily Dirt
Hey you!
Wednesday, March 03, 2004

1. Can you burp/fart voluntarily?

~ No. And the weird thing about it is that.... I'm kinda sad that I can't. I used to lose all my toys and allowance money b/c my cousins all used to play "who can burp the loudest and longest". I couldn't even burp at all!! Not on command anyways. (lol) So I was the laughing stalk of the family. :( Bad, Bad, Memories.

2. How often do you sneeze?

~ Not often. Only when someone has on too much perfume/cologne. Or when I'm coming down with a cold.

3. What makes you wanna hurl?

~ seeing someone else hurl.
~ if I am hurling...I wanna hurl more.
~ chitterlings
~ thinking about insects, bugs, rats, in my food! (yuck.. i got this email from a friend once, with very disguisting pics of some interesting things in chinese food. i saved it if anyone wants me to send it to them. Let's just say, I'm never eating chicken anything from any chinese restaurant!!)
~ there are a few other "unmentionables" that would make me utterly sick to my stomach but I would rather not discuss them publicly.

4. How high is your tolerance towards pain?

~ I've said it once...i'll say it again. Pain and I are NOT friends. We don't like each other. We never have, and we never will. If I ever see Pain, I will kill him! Understood!! Okay great.
I guess you can gather that I don't have a high tolerance for pain.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Playing Catch-up

i don't quite know how I missed this many daily dirts, but I let's get it crackalackin!!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

1. Where did you go last night?

~ dang... *looking around scared and paranoid* How'd ya'll know I went out last night?

okay, okay....i'll tell ya. I went to finally see Barbershop II. My friend had already seen it, but since I hadn't, he slept through it just for me. (ahhh. what are friends for..) Anyway, I thought it was good. There was a lot of funny parts in the movie. And to my surprise, parts of it was kinda political. *note to self...i need to vote today* I enjoyed myself though. I love going to the movies when it isn't packed. It really was just me, my friend, and a couple in that movie. I'm glad too because my friend was snoring up something terrible.

2. Had fun or you wished you had stayed home and do Daily Dirt?

~ I had fun. Even though I was really sleepy this morning. :(

3. Would you wanna hang out with me? (Specify why)

~ can't answer that... don't know ya.

4. So tell me, you have a crush on anyone right now?

~ yes i do. alot actually. If we're talking famous people hmm lets see...

* Jalen Rose
* Jason Weaver
*Michael Ealy
*Michael Jai White ~ now he's just dreamy!!
* Morris Chestnut
* Jason George
* Mike Bibby
* Michael Vick
*Terrence Dashon Howard
*Khalil Kain

whew... think that's enough? lol

okay my non-famous list is a lot shorter.

*ML ~ I always seem to have crushes on guys who are "off limits" to me. I think that is what appeals me to them. ML is a boyfriend of a close family member. I would NOT date him because of this...but it still doesn't change the fact that I have a slight crush on him.

* JC ~ he's a chat friend, a nice guy, someone who could potentially be day. lol I don't know... I can't say much about him b/c he might be reading this... lol So, i will just admit that i am crushin on him and leave it at that.

*RH ~ he's one of my best friends and a great business partner. He's one of those ppl you like, but don't want to actually start anything with. He's perfect from afar... but I wouldn't want to cross any lines with him. Honestly, I think the illusion is better than the real thing. But nevertheless....he's a cutie.

5. Describe to me exactly what you're gonna to do right after this?

~ get some work done...

Monday, March 01, 2004

1. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I said Honey?

~ Jessica Alba and honey bunches of oats.

2. Do you eat honey with anything?

~ yeah... biscuits and honey bunches of oats.

3. Has anyone called you Honey?

~ Yeah. Long time ago though... Ahh. I miss being in love. :)

4. Are you calling anybody Honey?

~ nope. Never have. Most of the time I'll call my significant other "Baby"

5. What will life be without Honey?

~ bitter and sour

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall…
Sunday, February 29, 2004

Look in the mirror and tell me…
1. Where's the first place your hand will touch when you look in the mirror?

~ My thumb will touch the right side of the mirror

2. Who do you look like? Mom or Dad?

~ both actually. They look like they could easily be brother and sister. It's crazy!! If I am with my dad, ppl say " You look JUST like your dad" and if I am with my mom, ppl say, "You look JUST like your mom.

3. Any zits or scar or rashes?

~ I was blessed in the zit/pimple category. I don't get those. And if I do get a small bump, it goes away within a day. Thank the Lord for that!! No Rashes either. Whew. Now scars...well I do have some scars. There not gross or warped or anything, but I was a tomboy growing mix that with my natural clumsy person...and you have yourself a disaster!! (lol) Thank God for regeneration...and cocoa butter! lol...
The only one that's still there is the scar on my leg (close to my calf) from when I slid into home base while playing kick ball in elementary's very faint now so I'd have to point it out.

4. What shirt are you wearing?

~ I am wearing a sheer multicolored button-up shirt with a collar. the colors consist of "redish orange, cream, a lighter orange to compliment the bright redish orange, tan/taupe/beige, and a nice shade of green" It's weird to explain but it is very pretty. People have been complimenting me on it all day. :)

5. What are you wearing inside?

~ Hmmm. Interesting question. i'm wearing integrity, peace, love, and hapiness.

Where do you go...
Saturday, February 28, 2004

1. ...for one night of fun and laughter?

~ well for free, my aunts house.

~for a little cheddar... Uptown Comedy Corner

2. ...for a sleazy night out?

~ for free... any club before 11
~for cheddar... vegas

3. ...for your first date?

~for free.... a park
~for cheddar.... the classic dinner and a movie.

4. ...for a stress reliever?

~ for free... running
~ for cheddar...a nice day spa

5. ...when you're alone?

~ for free... my bedroom
~for bedroom

Monday, March 01, 2004

Sunday, February 29
Say Cheese!

1. What type(s) of camera do you have?

~ um... do i HAVE to know the names?? *thinking really hard* Ahh.. hmm. I have a Canon something... it's a really fancy camera. You know the ones with like 8 different settings, auto flash/focus, incredible zoom, and yada yada yada. I found it when i was in school in a carrying case. I posted up on flyers and on our learnlink system but no one ever claimed it... so I kept it. I found out that it was worth $450! So, I made sure I kept it nice and safe. I hardly use it though. It's a little too complex for my "focus and press" technique...

~ I also have a regular ole 35mm. camera... *still trying to think of actual names* And I use that one a lot.

~ I have a poloroid. (yeah i had it before outcast's Hey Ya) I used to use that one frequently back in the day. But now, I barely touch it.

2. Do you store your pictures in a box, photo album or on your computer?

~ all the above... plus drawers, desks, and floppy disks. I have a lot of pictures. I love taking pictures even though I don't consider myself photogenic. I guess it's that undying hope that one day, a picture will finally capture my essence. Um.... I'm still waiting...

3. What is your favorite thing to take pictures of?

~ I love taking pictures of friends. Especially the friends that like to capture me when I'm sleep, sick, or exausted from a workout!! (payback is something else)

4. What is the biggest size photo you have hanging in your home?

~ I'm not good with sizes. Guess-timating sizes, heights, weights, lengths, age..etc. is not my strongest thing.... so i'll skip this one.

5. Do you like having your picture taken?
~ Yes when:
* I am going out somewhere nice and I got all dolled up
* I smile
* I'm feeling good about myself and I'm having fun
* Some one close to me takes the picture
* I am not in a hurry

~No when:
* It's a YEARBOOK picture
* People catch me off guard
* It's a group picture and all the tall ppl want to floss in the front
* I'm bummin
* I'm sleep, eating, talking, or holding my hand to my face screaming "NO"!