Thursday, March 04, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings and Daily Dirt

February 29, 2004

Week 56

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Hollywood:: stars...glitz and glamour
  2. Censor:: ship
  3. Nascar:: race, cars
  4. Lube:: Jiffy
  5. Mortgage:: debt, house
  6. Freedom:: let freedom ring, Morgan Freeman
  7. Champion:: trophy
  8. Reality TV:: taking over
  9. New York:: New York
  10. Tease:: Touch me, Tease me

okay i think most are self explanatory...except for the morgan freeman and freedom one... honestly i have no idea why he came to mind. but i saw him clearly. hmm. hey...maybe i was thinking about that, um... shawshank redemption. hmmm.. could be... okay we'll go with that.
and um...touch me, tease me... that was the 1st part of the hook from an old r&b/rap song. *i wanna say biggie was on there...*

Surfing aloneā€¦
Thursday, March 04, 2004

1. What do you usually do online?

~ um... mostly blog, do research, or chat with my friends.

2. Do you always write out everything in your heart on your blog?

~ nope... if i did i would never have time for anything else. There's a lot in my heart...and in my mind. But i DO have two
blogs..and the other one reflects more of my "heart" than this one.

3. What kind of games do you play online?

~ i used to play literati... but i don't play online games anymore since my days are filled with blogging, chatting, and working.

4. Do you have more real friends or online buddies?

~ real friends.. but it's starting to get close. I predict that by the end of the year, the tables will have turned. lol

5. How many mails do you receive in your mailbox daily?

~ Hmmm. interesting question. It depends on which account you're referring to. Um... hmmm lets see...
* my work mailbox receives about 10-15 emails a day...of which about 5 are personal. (now when my friend OS and I used to chat all day via email...of course it was more like 40-50 emails a day. whew thank God for IM's)
* my blackplanet mailbox usually receives the most... well the "notes" anyways. Hmmm as of today, i have 832 notes in my box...and they are erased every 30 days....* ..take 832...* Okay, I get about 28 notes a day in that box.
*and my juno account... hmm. I say about 4 a day.

so what..that totals up to.... 42-47 emails a day... (and 72-82 when I chat with OS)...

No wonder I don't get any work done around here. (lol)


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