Monday, March 15, 2004

Sunday Brunch and Daily Dirts...

Sunday Brunch
What's in a name

1. Do you like your name?

~ Yes I do. Sometimes ppl make fun of it because they think I say "Consuelo" when i first tell them my name (and even that isn't really all that funny)... but after they realize that it isn't my name...then they shut up and feel stupid. (lol) For the most part, I get many compliments on it. And honestly, I can't see me being named anything else. (lol)

2. Are you named after anyone?

~ nope.

3. Do you have a nickname? If yes, what is it?

~ Do I. I have plenty of nicknames...

*sway or swayla
*brese (long story)
*patrick swayzee
*doll baby and

4. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

~ i dunno. my mom said she almost named me Brittney and I am soooo glad she didn't b/c nothing about me says "Brittney"! Here are some names that I sort of like though....

* Jade
* Khilana(kih-lun-ah)
* Khaili (ky-lee)

5. What is the most interesting name of your friends or someone you know?

~ha... do you really wanna know? okay here goes...

* Gaghetta (ja-geat-ta)
* Celestina (sa-less-tina)
* LaDreika (la-dree-ka)
* Okrae (okra)
*Greedy (that is his REAL name... on his birth certificate and all)

Daily DirtWonderwall
Monday, March 15, 2004

1. What is it about the opposite sex you wished you knew?

~ everything. i mean, what are they really looking for? why they handle situations the way they do. what do they really mean when say certain things and do certain things.. i mean it is so much to understand and try to figure out... i get a headache just thinking about it.

2. What phenomenon on earth do you wish you have answers to?

~ why we only use part of our brain... and what does the non-used part do...think...reveal??

3. If you can read people's mind, who's would you wanna read?

~just one? man. hmmm. let me think.... ummm..... i would say...... some one whose really wealthy, innovative, and whose willing to take risks... that way, i can bet him/her for his/her fortunes... and/or i can steal their ideas before they ever put it on paper.

~ i'd also wanna read my future husband's mind. might not like everything i find out...but in theory it sounds fun.

4. Name all the 7 Wonders of the World?

um... i dunno. can't remember them all. i was trying to find this email i received earlier this year, it was really good and i would have loved to share it with ya'll... but their answers were...

*to feel
*to see
*to taste
*to hear
*to smell
*to touch
*to love

5. What should be the 8th Wonder of the World in your opinion?

~ Michael Jackson. (lol)

The apprentice...
Saturday, March 13, 2004

1. Who was your favorite (can include those kicked off)?

~ Troy. I love Troy. I think he's the best "all around" person there. He's charming and witty, loveable yet will cut you if you cross him. Sharp and confident. He does something fantastic in just about every episode. AND....He's funny! He can adapt to situations.... I like that. GO TROY!!!

2. Who do you think is going to win?

~ Troy. Yeah Troy!!

3. Who do you want to get kicked off next?

~ um...I'm actually not to fond of Kwame... so I think he should go next.

4. Would you ever go on the show?

~ ah... yeah. I doubt i'd ever be picked though. They all have that "TV" look. Thin and tall. Well maybe not really tall, but definitely taller than I.

5. How do you feel about donalds hair?

~hahahaha. I'm just glad to know that I'm NOT the only one wondering about that ish. I mean, all that money and he can't get a better piece?


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