Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Wednesday Whatevers and Daily Dirt

Wednesday Whatevers

1. What do you do to enhance your looks?

~ uh...i wear lip gloss to make my lips shiny. Sometimes eye liner to draw attn. to my eye color...and um... i wear a pretty but sturdy bra so my breast won't sag... (lol) um that's about it. everything else... it's a take it or leave it situation.

2. Why do people rape other people?

~ this is a REALLY touchy subject for me. I am not sure WHY ppl feel the need to rape other people. I have some theories but nothing is fact....

* control issue - many ppl believe that rape is a crime usually committed so the perpetrator can feel in control. Some ppl get off on having someone completely helpless and in fear of them.

* sexual frustration- i believe that not all rapes are the premeditated and it could be a case where the rapist was actually having cosented sexual contact with an individual and thought that they were gonna receive the "full benefits" but then the indivdual wanted to stop...but the violater didn't want to...and didn't. I don't think that is a case of control...moreso than frustration.

3. If clothing were optional would you still wear it?

nope. i hate clothing. the first thing i do when i get home is kick off my shoes, and strip on the way to my caller id. (lol) by the time I get to my bedroom, i am pretty much free. (of course i make sure my blinds are closed first (lol) )

Long time ago…
Wednesday, March 17, 2004

1. were you popular or an outcast?

~ neither. i was well known, but not popular. My friends were sort of "outcasts" but no one considered me one....probably b/c i was on dance team (which most of the popular girls were on) and b/c my boyfriend was on the football and baseball team....and he was popular. I was somewhere in the middle.

2. have you had any operation/surgery done?

~ yeah. i've had surgery/operations before. I had tubes in my ears when I was younger. i got them every year it seems like.. for about 4 years.
the only thing I remember about that was... 1. waking up before the sun (which was a BIG deal at 7) ....2. having that funny smelling "knock you out" gas put over my nose and mouth...and 3. waking up after surgery with a sore throat. (i'm still wondering what that's about.)

3. have you had a very embarassing experience?

um yeah... refer to some of my earlier posts about falling off the stage at my band concert. um.. falling in the toilet at a significant others house. um...falling down while trying to cross the street hurriedly in the rain in the middle of a busy intersection during rush hour.... um, getting in the wrong car b/c i was too busy looking cute and looking at a cute guy coming out of the package store without my contacts or glasses on. ...and hmm which one should i chose to close out this "could be a novel" answer... ahhh... surprising my boyfriend at the time by having his "chocolate birthday cake" (me of course..) waiting for him in whipped cream and his favorite heels in his bedroom... only to be found by his best friend/roomate who was supposed to be out of town that weekend. Needless to say...he never looked at me the same again (lol)

4. have you lost anyone precious?

~ yep. to death, to another woman, to the war, to another state, to a man, to drugs, and to jail

5. would you have known you're going to be what you are right now?

~ yes and no.

I knew I'd be..
* a good friend
* a respectful daughter
* a really cheerful person
* a loner (to an extent)
* happy with my career.

I didn't know i'd be...
*the one everyone runs to with their problems
*the over-protected daughter who has never aged past 13 yr old in her parents eyes.
*working a 8:30 to 5


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