Friday, March 12, 2004

Friday Five

1. What was the last song you heard?

~ willingly...(meaning from my own radio) I do Worship - John P Kee
~unwillingly...(meaning what i hear right now from my co-workers radio) Rosa Parks- Outcast ( i actually really love it's all good to me.)

2. What were the last two movies you saw?

~ The Passion of Christ
~ Barbershop II

3. What were the last three things you purchased?

~ um... frosted flakes and milk (for breakfast this morning)
~ gum and lip gloss from walmart (they count as one.)
~ gas

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?

~ give my cousin her b-day present
~ sleep
~ go to church
~ clean my house

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?

~ DG and AW at the same time on 3 way about 20 min. ago. We do that from time to time. They're my best friends. Though I see them every week at church, and many fridays/saturdays for our "ladies night" outings... we like to call each other during the middle of the day and chat like old ladies while at work. Of course I am always the first one to get off b/c after 45 min. of work starts piling up. Anywho...I'm counting them as 1 since we were all on the phone together.

~ My co-worker, AM. I said hello and where's everyone else? Apparently today was national "take-off" day and I didn't get the memo. So it's just she and I in the ole office.

~ My mom this morning. I always call her and tell her that I made it to work safely. She is an overly cautious worrier. So I always try to ease her mind.

~ AM last night. Hadn't talked to him in a while. Guess he called to say he got a new number and wanted me to have it. We talked about stuff for a while. Mainly his rededication to God...and his dog Taz. Either way, it was a pleasant convo.

~My dad last night. I asked him could he me bring some food!!! lol I was hungry. Thanks Dad!! You're the best!!! :)


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