Thursday, March 18, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings...

I'm kinda busy today... so i figured I'd only do UM's today. Here goes...

March 14, 2004

Week 58
I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Old Navy:: Draw string pants.... *darn those commercials...their kinda catchy*
  2. Out:: In, House
  3. Indecent:: Proposal
  4. UPN:: 69
  5. Pupil:: Student
  6. Toothpaste:: Aquafresh, Toothbrush
  7. 1999:: Prince... *singing party like it's nineteen niinneetty nine!*
  8. Passion:: of the Christ, Mark
  9. Social security:: number
  10. Cliff:: Notes, Huxtable

Reasoning behind the Mutterings....

~ Of course you remember the old navy "draw string pants" commercial....right?? whew...good. I thought i was by myself for a minute.

~ "In".. which is the opposite.
~ "outhouse" the place my grandparents swore they had to walk 3 miles in the snow to get to just to use the bathroom. Thank God for indoor plumbing!!

~ The movie...of course.

~ The stupid "UPN- 69" song is in my head.

~a "pupil" is a student. sorry...nothing original there...

~ I use "aquafresh" now. mmmm. it's pretty tasty. I used to use mentadent, but it got a little too costly for my pockets.
~ You can't think of toothpaste with out thinking of a "toothbrush"...

~ We all know and love "Prince" and his "party like it's 1999" jam.

~ I saw the "Passion" of the Christ not long it is still in my head. And probably will be for a very long time.
~ a "passion" mark.... okay, i dunno why i thought of that. i haven't given one...or received one since what... high school.

~ what else could i think of besides "number" , check, the elderly, card and the fact that it'll probably be obselete by the time we're old enough to receive it....

~ Cliff "Notes"... don't act... we all know what they are...
~ What can I say... I'm a Cosby show fan!!


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