Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I apologize

I must admit... i've neglected this blog...

It's hard enough keeping ONE blog current. But nevertheless...i can't close up shop here.

There's so much i have to say...but it's so hard to pull out. So much that I want to work through on here...but it seems like everytime I get time to write, the words never flow.

So much has happened since June.
So much IS happening as we speak.

God is moving in my life like I've never seen before. There has been so many test and trials just since June. And i'm talking about some FAITH SHAKING... WHY have you forsaken me... GOD i can't take it...TRIALS! But God is so compassionate. He's so faithful. He's so AWESOME...He brought me through and out of every single one. I've learned so much about the Nature of God...and myself as well.

I'm gonna try to write more on this blog. I won't promise anything...but I will try to write more. If every anyone needs prayer... or spiritual advice about something... or encouragement. PLEASE feel free to stop by. Shoot me an IM (prvbs31_woman) or an email (

Love Ya'll! Be blessed!

“ May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ”- 2 Corinthians 13:14


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