Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Many Daily Dirts

Cry me a river...
Tuesday, March 23, 2004

1. When was the last time you cried?

~ yesterday evening. i went to my boss's wife's memorial service. It was very sad. Though I didn't know her, I felt like I did by the time everyone shared their stories, memories and letters she wrote them earlier in life. I hate to see people in pain. I could feel their pain and I cried she was apart of my family. Moreso for the family than for her...you know. I can see their grief which grieves me. Sad situation. I pray that God consoles them in their time of Bereavement.

2. Who made you cry?

~ in life? um... hmmm. as much as i hate to admit it... most of my crying sprees have been over menfolk. (oooh i hate to admit that) besides them, my parents have made me cry (especially when i did something wrong as a child and they told me how dissappointed they were in me) ahhh...i don't consider myself a crybaby...but i must admit, i've done a lot of crying in my day. I'm very sensitive, so it doesn't take much. lol

3. What makes you cry just thinking about it?

~ the Love, Mercy, Grace and Compassion God shows and has for all of us even though we hardly ever thank Him, or praise Him or even acknowledge Him.
~ death, pain, ppl who are suffering, and anything like that...
~ being alone forever

4. Have you ever made someone else cry?

~ ah yes. we all have whether we knew it or not.

5. Do you cry during sad movies?

~ oh yeah. like a wet, hungry, sleepy baby.

Go to hell…
Monday, March 22, 2004

1. Have you sinned?

~ Yes. Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God"

2. Have you hurt anyone?

~ I've said hurtful words to and about people in my lifetime. I've betrayed someone...I've cheated on someone. I didn't love someone that really loved me. I've hit someone. I've offended someone. I've made someone cry. So...yes, I've hurt someone. Whoever you are... if I've ever hurt you, I am sorry.

3. Have you destroyed other people's lives?

~ I don't know. I know some that tried to destroy mine though. Some of them who are fully aware of it...and some that I honestly don't think knew how much they hurt me.

4. Are you religious?

~ Religious...no. Relationship oriented with the Living God...YES!! I think there is a huge difference between religion and relationship.

5. Do you owe anyone any apology?

~ not that i know of... but i can never be too sure. I have no problem saying I'm sorry if I know that I was wrong. I just don't like the "I told you so" spirit if for some reason I am wrong and I humble myself to apologize. The least we can both do is be adults about it and squash it.

Last night…
Sunday, March 21, 2004

1. Where were you?

i went to see Dawn of the Dead with one of my friends.

2. What time did you sleep?

~ went to sleep around 1:30 - 2am. Woke up at 6.

3. What were you thinking about?

~ the fact that it's weird that AM and I hang out and talk MORE now that we're friends than we did when we were dating.

4. Did you brush your teeth?

~ of course. :)

5. Did you visit Daily Dirt?

~ no. computers are "off limits" to me on weekends! i refuse to be online during my days of rest!!!


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