Wednesday, February 25, 2004

No wednesday whatevers...but i do have some dirt...

Daily Dirt

Opposites attract… (part II)
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

1. What happen when you wake up one morning and realized you've switched gender?

~ um... i'd probably think it was cool I'd try to figure out everything that makes me feel good as a man and remember it...for when i turn back.

2. Would you tell anyone?

~ um, close friends. they'll probably wonder why this sexy dude keep answering to the name Sway.

3. How do you think that had happened?
~ Magic of course... :)

4. Would you do something about it or let it be?

~ it would be wonderful to be a guy for experimental and information purposes...but I'd definitely wanna turn back into miss diva princess!!

5. Will you still be yourself or change your personality completely?

~ dunno. probably be somewhere in the middle. i'd change the "girly" things about me. I can't stand guys who "primp" more than i if i was a guy. I would spend less time in the mirror and more time burping, scratching, and being non-chalant. lol


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