Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Daily Dirt....man, I missed a bunch...

Public exposure… (part I)
Tuesday, February 17, 2004

1. Have you had any problem going to public toilet?

~ NO.... Mainly because I don't go. Unless I'm in a "tightie" and I'll just stoop over the toilet... but NEVER EVER sit!! Uuuugggghhh.

2. Are you very picky about which cubicle to use?

~ ah... yeah, i guess. I gotta go to the cleanest one. and usually it's not the first one...since everyone usually just go to the first one if it's available...

3. In a shopping mall, have you already had a favourite toilet in mind?

~ Ah...no. It's not THAT deep... lol

4. What happen when there's no paper or halfway thru there's not enough paper?

~ okay, maybe i'm weird or anal or something...but honestly, I check that kind of stuff BEFORE I "go". I mean, it happened once when I was really young and I was so embarrassed b/c I didn't know what to do. I ended up crawling under the "cubicle to the next one and getting tissue from there. It was gross....and a lesson was learned.

5. What do you do to entertain yourself in there?

~Keeping my balance is the only entertainment i need. lol Hey, it takes skills to hold your pants, panties, shirt, etc. while squatting and aiming and maintaining your balance in stiletto's.

Small, Medium, Large or…
Monday, February 16, 2004
Just tell your preferred size for…

1. French fries.
~~ small

2. T-shirt.

(and if I am gonna sleep or lounge in it... the bigger the better. XXXL!!!)

3. Undies.

~~small. "gramma draws" are out!!

4. Pizza.

~~ medium.

5. Condoms.

~~ hmmm. now do I REALLY have to answer that?? ;)

Funny valentine...
Saturday, February 14, 2004

1. What do you want most for a valentine day gift?

i would have loooovveeed to have had a wonderful romantic dinner underneath the moonlit sky followed by a slow dance all with my handsome, charming witty, romantic, loving boyfriend. Unfortunately what I got was a "hey let's go to the movies...oh wait, I'm sorry i can't b/c my stupid friend from detroit is here and i have to entertain him but we'll do valentines next friday okay...?" from the guy I'm talking to. Talking about a let down. hmph.

2. Where or what would be the perfect setting?

~ okay... i just answered this one too...

3. Are you happy and very in love with your significant other?

~ i am happy...but not in love. we've only been "talking since december, and honestly, we haven't even made anything "official", so I am not actually trying to be all head over heels in love yet. However, I can tell that he is someone I could easily fall in love with! He's really a great guy and I do like him a lot!

4. What is the worst thing that could spoil you Valentine's day?

~the one thing that actually did. not really getting to spend time with my date... :(

5. If there is a chance for 1 wish to come true on Valentine's day, what would you wish for?

~ i've always been a bit of a romantic.... i guess no matter how generic and textbook valentines day proposals are....i've always wanted one...so my wish on one special valentines day, my special guy will propose to me. Ahhh...sigh...one day!!

6. How do you feel when you walk around town and all you see are couples carrying teddies and red roses?

~ I'll be honest. I felt like a hater this valentines day. I was so bitter. I don't know why. I hated feeling jealous of all my friends who are in committed relationships and who had a "cinderella" valentines day. I mean, I wanted to cry sunday when they were talking about what happened the night before. I had nothing to share...but i didn't want to hate, and I definitely didn't want their pity. I felt bad. Bad for me... and bad becuase I was so bitter, and bad because I was mad at them for being so darn happy and inconsiderate of how I felt while they rubbed it all in my face, yet mad because when they did try to not be so blunt, I felt like they were pittying me. I hated feeling how I felt. That's what got me the most. I've never been jealous of anyone before, so this was so new to me and I want it to be the LAST time I ever feel that way again.

4. If you can be with anyone on Valentine's day, who would it be?

~ Hmmm. At this point in my life...it would have to be Anthony. He's the only one I'm talking to right now....and the only one I'm feelin...so it'd be him.

5. Is Feb 14 a good date for Valentine's day?

~ It's as good as any other day. Why not 2/14?


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