Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Back in the swing of things!

Well, well, well. I'm back to work from my long weekend. I am so happy I had yesterday off! I was able to get a lot done!! Aren't you excited for me? Anyway, I'm gonna do my Sunday Brunch today.... ready? Aight....here goes...

Sunday, February 15
Bed and Breakfast

1. Are you a morning person or night owl?

~ Hmm. Night owl.... even though lately, my friends have been calling me "grandma" because I have a self-imposed bedtime of 10:15! Yeah, I know. It's early right!!?? Well, I make myself go to bed that early now because I really AM a night owl and really NOT a morning person!! Confused yet? Okay. See, I love to stay up and stay out late. Heck, I used to work the graveyard shift in school. 8pm to 8am....so the night was my friend. What happened is that I started to love being up at that time and it caused a conflict once I got a 8-5 and needed my rest! Going to bed every night at 4 and getting up at 6 just wasn't working for me. I am grouchy if I don't get my sleep. So what I have found is that I must wake up late if I stay up late...and unfortunately for me, I must go to sleep early if I must wake up early. Thus my 10:15 rule. Yeah it sucks...but at least the extra rest makes my early mornings more bearable.

2. What is the last thing you do before bed?

~ Pray
~Sometimes I reflect on the day or think about the next day.

3. What time do you usually wake up?

~ 6am on Weekdays.
~ 8am or 12pm on Saturdays depending on whether I have dance/choir practice or not.
~7am on Sundays

4. Do you eat breakfast regularly?

~Yup, now I do. Up until college, eating breakfast made me sick. Literally. I'd eat something, and throw it up...or feel so bad I want to throw up. But I don't now... once I got to college...it stopped. And now, I eat breakfast all most everyday during the week. Never on the weekends though... don't know why? hmmm.

5. What is your favorite breakfast food?

~Hmmmm. I have to say...cereal. I can't make it any more specific because i eat my cereal according to my mood. I love all kinds of cereal....so I have a lot to choose from. It's fast, filling, and fun to crunch on!!


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