Friday, February 13, 2004

It's the weekend baby!!!!!!

Friday Five

1. Are you superstitious? and 2. What extremes have you heard of someone going to in the name of superstition? ( i figured i'd answer them both)

~ Moi? Nope. I think it's funny when people really do believe in it though. Like my mother. Well even mother's side of the family. Now, they are all some very superstitious people. I mean, sometimes I do things just to piss them off and send them in a frenzy. Like I'll split a pole and act like I didnt know. It is so amazing how they will ALL stop, and walk back to the pole, go the way I went and continue like what they did wasn't completely crazy!! (LOL) I don't understand how one can be a christian and superstitious. Okay, just here me out. (feeling a riot coming on..)

Does the Bible say anthing about 7 years bad luck for breaking a mirror? How about spitting on a broom if you touch someones feet with it? why do we believe it. If it was really that serious, don't you think it would be referenced in the Bible?

Okay... even without the Christian/Bible/Superstition element... in the natural these things are just....silly!! Let's just look at how incredible crazy some of these things sound!!

SUPERSTION: No washing /drying/ironing on New Year's Day.
REASON: You'll wash/dry/iron someone out of the family.
WHAT TO DO: Don't know... I guess if you wash, they die. (lol)

SUPERSTITION: Don't point at the stars.
REASON: You'll get a star in your eyes.
WHAT TO DO: You gotta bite your finger if you point at one.

SUPERSTITION: Don't step over a person.
REASON: You'll stunt their growth.
WHAT TO DO: Jump step back over them and go around them next time.

SUPERSTITION: The pole thing and the broom thing I told you about earlier... ha..

I could go on and on and on....

It's quite humorous.

3. Believer or not, what's your favorite superstition?

I'd have to say my favorite one is...hmmm so many so many... I'd say that my favorite is the one saying that the first person in your house for new years have to be a man. (Of course my mother's a strong believer in this one..) Reason being: ready... okay, the reason is that if a woman comes into the house first, you will have women running all though your house!! Hahahaha....
So what does that say about the man that comes in? Hmmm. Mom, is there something you wanna tell me??

Next to that one is the knocking on wood thing... there's a blog on that already, check it out if ya want.

4. Do you believe in luck? If yes, do yu have a lucky number/article of clothing/ritual?

~ Luck, NO.
~ Blessings and Curses, YES!!

5. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?

I believe that astrology is fun to read when you have nothing else to do at work. Sometimes they are seemingly true...sometimes they are seemingly not. I wouldn't live my life based on what astrology says though.... it's really not that deep for me. But I have occassionally looked at it for entertainment purposes and was like, dang, if this darn thing aint the truth!! :)

okay.... i'm out for tha weekend!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! *MUAH*


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