Thursday, February 12, 2004

Remember this....

Okay I was on my way back to work from getting a fish sandwich from burger king today and I was trying to find a station with no commercials on. I mean, B.K. is only 5 min. from the job and I didn't want to spend that time listening to commercials. Anyway, 107.9 was playing Blackberry Molasses... do you remember that? huh? you don't? oh. Okay, well Mista sung that and that other, um... *singing" "Laaadddy, would you mind if I politely kiss you're haaaaannnd, I've been watching you all night and I can't staaannd, to see you all alone like this, giving you an opportunity I can't resist." Now you remember 'em?
Man, it took me down memory lane... I wonder what ever happened to Mista. How do groups come out, make a couple of hot songs, then disappear forever. Like H-town (knockin tha boots)? They had the # one song for like 13 weeks in what... 93? Man, one of them just died right? (RIP) Or what about Perfect Gentleman? Or Shai? Where they at?

I remember when I was in the seventh grade, Darryl called me on the phone one night (whew that was a crazy thing back then since I wasnt allowed to talk to boys-lol) He asked me if I wanted to be in his little singing group. I had known Darryl since first grade and had never heard him I thought that he was being funny. I said thanks, but no thanks. He asked if I was sure, then offered to sing for me. My stupid behind laughed and said, no Darryl, really, I am good.
A couple of years later, I hear Darryl on the radio singing with his group... "Black Berry Molasses..." I could have fell through the floor right then. I was like, dang, that could have been me?

Moral of the story: Just because a guy has bucked teeth doesnt mean he can't sing. lol
Okay, maybe that wasn't the moral...but hey. I didn't learn much seeing how they are non existent now! ;)


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