Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Random Questions...

1. Do you expect to receive a Valentine’s Day wish from someone special this year?

Well, I am talking to someone right now...but it is all still new...so I dont exactly know how my valentine's day will pan out... but I am kinda expecting him to do a little somthin, somethin...

2. What is the biggest fib you’ve ever put on a resume?

hmmmm. i don't know. i didn't really have to lie... my stats were pretty impressive... well...once i got em professionally done! lol

3. Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about your financial future in 2004?

optimistic...to tha fullest!! :)

4. Which of the following would you most like to be, and why:
a. A famous artist or entertainer
b. A world class athlete
c. A wealthy business owner
d. An influential politician or community leader

A wealthy business owner. Mainly b/c I'd be able to live comfortably, run my own stuff, and pass something down to my children besides bills and bad habits. I also said this one b/c the rest of the choices just don't fit me at all. "A" takes too much of my privacy away. I would love to be a professional singer, but I can't deal with the constant press and media shaping the way america thinks about me. "B" requires too much working out. I love to keep in shape, but I can't think of one sport i'd want to practice every single day!! And besides, their careers end so fast. In athelete world, 30 is old and 35 is ancient!! "D" would make me a lying, deceitful, cunniving, person....and that's not me....

5. Have you ever engaged in a sexual act (including masturbation) at a place where you worked?

ahhh.. no. But I have walked in on/ and by a few sexual acts done at work though.... people, people...having sex in the bathroom at work is not exciting...it's nasty!! And yes, ppl can hear you when they come in the bathroom no matter how quiet you "think you are"!

6. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? How many and where?

I have 2 piercings in each ear. And that about it...
I'm too scared to get a tat... Pain and I don't mix too well.

7. What did you eat the last time you had a late night hunger craving?

late night hunger craving...hmmm. I usually crave something sweet late at night. Brownies are my favorite!!

8. If either were to come your way today, which would be more welcome; a check for $200 or two hours of hot, sweaty, butt nekkid sex?

hahaha... i'd have to say right now... $200.


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